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  2. Loyalty Program
  3. Exclusive Premium - Boosted cashback

10% cashback offer reserved for Premium members

Discover our special selection of 6 establishments in France and Italy. From 1 January to 28 February 2025, get 10% extra cashback.

- 6 hotels, restaurants and guest houses ready to welcome you in France and Italy
- Eligible for 10% loyalty cashback 
- From 1 January to 28 February 2025

To take advantage of this offer, book your stay or meal during this period and don't forget to sign in with your email address, your membership number or your personal QR Code when you pay! 

Find all the establishments concerned here:

Hôtel Restaurant Bel Ami

La Gourguille

Hôtel Casarose

Restaurant Sestante - Osteria di Mare

Table by Mi-KL

Le 25bis by Leclerc Briant